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TV Sermon

The Armor of God

Learn the importance of being prepared to stand against the enemy.

July 27, 2024

Every command God gives us in His Word is given for our protection and our good. Dr. Stanley explains the importance of being prepared to stand against the enemy by putting on the full armor of God.

Sermon Outline

Believers need not feel daunted by the enemy, because God has provided everything we need to triumph over him. In this week’s sermon, Dr. Stanley explores how the Lord equips us for victory in every spiritual battle.

Key Passage: Ephesians 6:10-20

God is always looking out for our best interests. He gave clear instructions in His Word about how to handle conflict with satanic forces.

“We have to deal with spiritual warfare every single day when our feet hit the pavement.”

There are many components to the armor of God, including the …

1. Belt of truth (Eph. 6:14).
• Truth is essential for victory in the life of the believer. Without it, we can become fearful and doubt God’s promises.
• It’s essential that we know what the Bible says about our spiritual position, our relationship to God, and our power in Christ.

2. Breastplate of righteousness (v. 14).
• This refers not to our righteousness from Christ but to practical righteousness—living out the truth daily through right action, right thinking, and right relationships.
• A breastplate covers the heart, the symbolic seat of our emotions. We’re not to live on the basis of feelings.

3. Shoes of the gospel of peace (v. 15).
• As God’s children, we are always to stand on the firm foundation—that is, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
• When we know what we believe, we’re stable and ready to move against the enemy.

4. Shield of faith (v. 16).
• Our faith should be “large”—meaning it covers every aspect of our person and life.
• We strengthen it by reading God’s Word, watching what the Lord does, and keeping a diary to record His faithfulness.

5. Helmet of salvation (v. 17).
• A helmet covers the brain and therefore the mind. This protects us from doubting our salvation.
• Before leaving the house, we should pray that God would protect our thoughts and help us bring every one captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5).

6. Sword of the Spirit, which is God’s Word (v. 17).
• God’s Word is living and active (Heb. 4:12).
• We must know how Scripture works and trust that it’s necessary every day and adequate for every circumstance.

“I challenge you: By faith, before you get out of bed, put God’s armor on piece by piece, and see what He does in your life.”

Prayer is essential to securing the victory (Eph. 6:18). So each morning, verbally dress in the armor of God, using these words:

I’m putting on the belt of truth; I’ll walk in the truth I know today.
I’m putting on the breastplate of righteousness to protect my emotions.
I’m putting on the sandals of peace, to stand firm in the gospel by which I’ve been saved and which I’m willing to defend.
I’m taking the shield of faith today to ward off all Satan’s fiery darts of temptation.
I’m putting on the helmet of salvation right now. God, protect my thinking all day long.
I’m wielding the sword of the Spirit—Your Word—as a weapon both defensive and offensive. May I help to bring somebody out of enslavement and to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ today.
In Jesus’ name, amen.

After Watching

Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:

  • Last week’s sermon explores the ways Satan tries to weaken believers. How can putting on the armor of God help you in your areas of vulnerability?

  • All but one of the pieces of God’s armor are purely for defensive purposes. What does that reveal about our heavenly Father’s love and care for us?

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