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Our Peace: God’s Will

Experience genuine peace in a world filled with violence, sickness, and heartache.

September 14, 2024

Is it possible to experience genuine peace in a world filled with violence, sickness, and heartache? Dr. Stanley says the answer is a resounding "Yes!"

Sermon Outline

Peace is Christ’s gift to every believer, even if we don’t always experience it physically. That’s great news indeed. In this week’s message, Dr. Stanley helps us understand what’s really required to accept and live in this great blessing.

Key Passage: John 14:1; John 14:27

Supporting Passages: John 16:33; Ephesians 2:14; Colossians 2:9-10

God has made it possible for us to walk through the most difficult things in life with a sense of tranquility, and He wants to teach us how.

“God desires that you and I experience peace, not once in a while but continually.”

Though the immense conflict in our world makes serenity difficult, God has promised us inner peace.

  • John 14 is “the consolation chapter” of Scripture.

  • Jesus is aware that we are troubled and seek peace (vv. 1, 27).

  • When the Lord said, “Do not let” (v. 1), He was telling the disciples and us that we have a choice.

  • Worry doesn’t have to control us, because Jesus offers His peace instead (v. 27).

“Trouble and fear will hit us, but we don’t have to live in them. We can step above them if we’re willing to make a very wise decision.”

To experience unshakeable peace, what is required?

1. A relationship with the person of Christ

  • Christ says, “In Me you may have peace” (John 16:33).

  • The Spirit of Jesus Christ indwells every believer. (See 15:4.)

  • The apostle Paul reminds us, “[Christ] Himself is our peace” (Eph. 2:14).

  • Believers receive the benefit of Jesus’ relationship with God (Col. 2:9-10).

2. Trust in His gift

  • We trusted Christ as our Savior, and we must also believe that the peace He offers is ours for the asking at any moment.

  • When we acknowledge His peace is within us, we don’t have to quit or yield to trying circumstances.

“It’s one thing to have the gift of peace in you; it’s something else to experience it.”

3. Obedience

  • A relationship with the Lord must be built on faith and obedience.

  • When peace eludes us, we must ask, Am I living in submission to God’s will?

  • An obedient spirit is what enables us to experience peace in trouble.

  • Any form of rebellion is going to short-circuit our faith.

  • Peace is a practical gift, given for the moment when we need it.

  • The degree to which we develop a relationship with Christ, place our trust in Him, and obey His commands is the degree to which we’ll have surpassing peace.

  • As we live obediently before the Lord, trusting Him moment by moment and day by day, our peace is a matter of choice. The gift has already been given.

After Watching

  • Do you have peace today? Search yourself and honestly evaluate if there is any disobedience in your heart that may be hindering Christ’s gift.

  • Is it challenging for you to trust that Jesus will give you peace? Why do you think that is?

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