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From the Pastor’s Heart

An encouraging message from our President and CEO Phillip Bowen

Thank you for the incredible encouragement and support you’ve given to In Touch Ministries this year. I don’t take it lightly. As you can imagine, I miss Dr. Stanley every day. But I’ve found comfort in those times when I wish I could talk to him by returning to his favorite verses of Scripture.

One verse that was especially important to him is Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Dr. Stanley loved that verse because his mother gave it to him the first time he preached. Even more, it’s a promise that the Father will give us everything we need, so that we can trust Him no matter what we face.

Losing Dr. Stanley as a friend and mentor hasn’t been easy. Yet when I think of him, I’m often reminded of the peace and comfort he experienced as he walked with Jesus. Though he faced a lot of disappointments—even hardships—he fully believed in the promise that the Lord would always be present with us, working on things far greater than we could imagine.

There will never be anyone like Dr. Stanley. And though his astounding ability to proclaim God’s Word with such power and clarity was rare, his calling remains our calling. Our job at In Touch is to obey Him in our giftedness, taking the message He gave to Dr. Stanley as far as possible—quickly, clearly, and irresistibly, by the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God. So that’s what we’re going to do.

Thank you for taking this journey with us. I pray that, as you meditate on the Word this year, the Father will strengthen His calling in your life and encourage you with the truth that He is with you always.

Yours for In Touch,

C. Phillip Bowen