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Agios loannis Prodromos, an abandoned church in Sounio, Greece. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Call to Serve

We proclaim our love for Christ through our service to one another.

February 12, 2025

2 Corinthians 9:10-12

When it comes to serving in the church, some people seek prominent positions. Now, there is nothing wrong with heading a committee or teaching a large class, but the Lord calls us to have a servant’s heart. That means living a life that glorifies Him, not ourselves. And while the things we do might go unnoticed by others, our heavenly Father sees them and is pleased by our acts of service (Matt. 6:3-4).

In His great love, God places us exactly where He wants us to serve, and every task we undertake should be given our all, whether it’s mopping a floor, calling a patient in the hospital, or leading a Sunday School class. We ultimately serve Jesus, and He desires our obedience and our best effort.

There are many reasons that the Lord calls us to serve. First, serving helps to rid us of pride and selfishness, allowing our focus to be on Him. Second, we proclaim our love for Christ through our care for one another. Third, God tests and purifies our heart through service.

Yesterday, we asked how you define success. In the biblical sense, success means that God sets the goals for our life. The Lord desires that we discover His plan, obey, and become all that He intended.

Bible in One Year: Numbers 11-13

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