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Utah. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Resting Like Jesus

The Creator of the universe is always with us, so we have nothing to fear from any hardship life brings.

June 25, 2024

Matthew 8:23-27

During His time on earth, Jesus demonstrated how to have a healthy relationship with God. Everything our Savior did flowed from a life of restful dependence on His Father—even when resting seemed foolish and negligent to those around Him.

In today’s passage, the disciples were crossing the sea in a small boat during a violent storm, and Jesus was taking a nap. They may have wondered, Why is He sleeping at a time like this? Doesn’t He see our need?

It seems the disciples viewed Jesus’ resting as a sign of inattentiveness (Mark 4:38). But the truth is, God sometimes delays responding to our fears to better display His glory at work in our life. A moment later, Jesus commanded the waves and wind to be calm (Mark 4:39), and the disciples witnessed firsthand the power of God.

Jesus’ ability to surrender, even in the middle of a turbulent storm, reveals complete trust in His Father—something the disciples were also invited to experience. The invitation holds true for us as well: Why fear when the Creator of the universe is on our side? In times of hardship and testing, it’s easy to be consumed by the physical reality of our situation. But let’s not lose sight of the truth that God is with us. Always.

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