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Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Overcoming Faith Barriers

Don't let your doubts and insecurities rob you of the joy that comes from following God into your calling.

July 17, 2023

Exodus 3:10-17

Sometimes, God gives us seemingly impossible tasks. In those moments, it’s important not to offer excuses but to instead focus on the One who has called us. Why? Because looking for a way out creates a faith barrier. Take Moses in today’s passage, for example. He experienced a barrier due to ...

Poor self-image. When God gave the command to go to Pharaoh, Moses asked, “Who am I?” Perhaps he was thinking of his occupation as a lowly shepherd or the fact that he’d killed an Egyptian and had to flee decades before (Ex. 2:12). The Lord answered Moses’ objection with a wonderful promise: “I will be with you” (3:12). 

Ignorance. To carry out God’s plan, we need to understand just how powerful God is. When Moses questioned his assignment, the Lord answered by revealing Himself as the great “I AM,” the One who had promised to rescue the Israelites (vv. 14-17). 

Faith barriers can keep us from experiencing the joy of walking closely with our heavenly Father. So whenever we’re tempted to back away from our calling, it’s important to remember both who He is and who we are in Him.

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