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Seattle, Washington. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

Finding Contentment

When we yield what we want and accept what God wills, we move beyond living by feelings to living by faith.

September 26, 2024

John 14:1-6

Too often we let our circumstances determine our attitude. If life is going smoothly, then we feel good. But when it gets hard, our mood drops. However, we don’t have to live this way. Like the apostle Paul, we can learn and practice contentment.

The word contentment describes being at peace, no matter how things are—in other words, not wanting anything to be different. It means learning to allow God’s power to come into our weakness so we can accept and adapt to changing circumstances. When we respond to life with that kind of thinking, we move beyond living by feelings to living by faith (2 Cor. 5:7).

Submission and trust are needed for such a lifestyle. First, we must surrender to God. In every situation, we are to yield what we want and then accept whatever He allows. The second step is to trust God to oversee our specific situation. If we believe He is working out His perfect plan for us, then we’ll experience the joy that comes from fully relying on Him. Contentment will be ours.

Paul submitted his life to God and trusted Him. He faced insults, rejection, and many difficult trials but was still content. When we surrender control to the Lord and believe He has our best interest at heart, we will experience contentment, too.

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