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The Source of Peace

Make it a goal to have peace with God and experience true, lasting calm and peace.

September 7, 2024

Many people simply flounder through life without experiencing true peace—a need God has placed in every heart. Do you fall into that category? Dr. Stanley explains that until we have peace with God, we'll never experience true peace.

Sermon Outline

As believers, we know that our peace comes from the Lord, but many around us do not. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains the connection between peace and the cross. Keep his words in mind when you want to explain to others how the gospel alone has the power to heal their soul.

Key Passage: Romans 5:1-2

Supporting Passages: Luke 15:11-32; Colossians 1:19-22

All over the world, people are searching for peace. They look for it everywhere but will find it only by surrendering to God through Jesus Christ.

“Until you have peace with God, you will have an emptiness in your heart you cannot explain.”

People struggle to find peace because ...

  • They look unsuccessfully to things like jobs, relationships, or possessions.

  • They’ve believed the lies of Satan about where to find peace and are left empty.

  • God created humans to be in relationship with Him. Without the Lord, we will never experience it.

“God, through His Son Jesus Christ, will transform your life. And the war that has been going on inside of you will finally come to a close.”

Until we accept the peace God offers, there is a barrier between us and Him that …

  • Needs to be recognized, though doing so can be difficult.

  • Can be removed only by a change in our heart and life.

  • Prevents experiencing peace within ourselves and with others.

  • Is our sinful condition.

“Peace with God means that you and the Lord are in harmony with each other. You have a sense of oneness, of unity with Him.”

Sin nature, the barrier that separates us from God, …

  • Is universal and present at birth.

  • Resulted from the fall of Adam and Eve.

  • Can be changed only by God.

  • Leads us into bondage as we search for peace apart from Him.

  • Is changed when we surrender to God and accept Jesus as our Savior.

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we …

  • Find all God’s fullness in Jesus (Col. 1:19).

  • Are reconciled to God through the blood of Jesus (vv. 20-22).

  • Become part of God’s family and are no longer His enemy.

  • Are forgiven of sin and have a new, righteous nature.

  • Will still sin. However, the Father is always ready to forgive and set us back on the right path. (See 1 John 1:9.)

“I plead with you to place your trust in Jesus right now. He’ll change your life; He’ll change your eternal destiny.”

Things to remember about the work of the cross:

  • Peace with God comes through Jesus and His shed blood (Rom. 5:1).

  • All have sinned and disobeyed God; the cross allows us to stand in His grace.

  • By putting our sin debt on Jesus at Calvary, God justified us and reconciled us to Himself.

  • We are made holy, blameless, and beyond reproach by Christ’s atoning sacrifice.

  • The Parable of the Prodigal Son demonstrates God’s pleasure at forgiving our sins (Luke 15:11-32).

After Watching

  • Do you recall what life was like before you accepted Christ? Whatever your journey to the cross has involved, take a moment to thank Him for His peace.

  • Who around you might be hurting and confused? Ask God to make a way for you to share the truth with that person.

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