Pablo, Director of Partner Communications
Pablo listened to the voice of a grieved mother on the other end of the line. Wounded over the death of her son in military action, she’d called In Touch Ministries, and Pablo answered. “I could not understand what she was going through, but I could understand her pain,” Pablo recalls. “The only way to empathize with her was that I have a young girl. I didn’t do anything for her besides just let her talk.”
As Director of Partner Communications at In Touch, Pablo manages a large staff that ministers to partners via calls, emails, and letters. But his team also oversees the distribution center from which CDs and DVDs are duplicated and resources are shipped to our partners.
“I keep showing up because when we touch a person in a positive way, that’s a big deal to me.”
Through thousands of conversations with our partners, four important values emerged for Pablo and his team: sympathy, service, simplicity, and satisfaction. For that mother on the phone, listening was the big thing. “When you think about Jesus,” Pablo says, “He was available. And that’s the way we should be here, you know?”
Pablo started at In Touch in 2007. He was one of 10 people taking Spanish calls when there weren’t many of these calls coming in. To stay busy, Pablo began to memorize Dr. Stanley’s sermons and the Life Principles. This proved valuable not only for his career, but it continued the trajectory of his spiritual life.
“After high school, I was pretty lost,” he says. He took a year off, but it was a very unproductive time. “I had nothing to do, so I watched a lot of TV.” And one day he caught Dr. Stanley, translated into Spanish, on the national television network in Chile. He heard him say that there are no accidents in the Christian life, that God has a purpose for us. “And I was like, if that’s true, I’ve got to move. I’ve got to do something.” It kick-started his life and Christian walk and, before long, he had graduated college, married, and moved to the United States.
“I always would ask people when they started working here,” Pablo says of his search for staffers who worked for In Touch in the late-1990s. “And I’d tell my story to encourage them, because they were part of that.” In his daily work, Pablo is always keeping in view the person on the other end who is reading, watching, and listening. “It can be another me, you know? So I keep showing up because when we touch a person in a positive way, that’s a big deal to me.”